My Past I'm Not Ashamed To Talk About

You know all the terrible things you hear about PT's?

The horror stories?

The bad coaching tips?

The stuff I take a dig at on Instagram?

I used to be him.

I was the 'crap PT'.

I used to tell clients to never put their knees over their toes when squatting because it was bad for their knees.

I used to tell clients to cut out gluten, dairy and carbs because it wasn't healthy.

I used to tell clients to "push through" when they were too stressed and should've called it a set.

I once tested a 1RM squat on my initial consultation!

If I saw that sorta carry on happening today, I'd have my list of questions ready for that PT.

I was 20 years young, eager and keen to make a difference.

I didn't know I was doing bad because it was genuinely my best.

You don't know what you don't know.

Truth is, you can squat with your knees as far over your toes as you can get and still have healthy knees.

You can do your best to cut out gluten, dairy and carbs but if you ain't in a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight.

You can squat with your knees as far over your toes as you can get and still have healthy knees.

You can train as much as you want but if you don't have progressive overload in your program, you won't be building any muscle.

You can test a 1RM squat on the first session with your PT but it's much better if you do testing and sort out any flexibility issues, muscular imbalances and lagging body parts.

I've made all the mistakes a PT can make so that I don't make them with you.

No bullshit PT mistakes, only sound advice founded on the latest research and five years I spent walking the gym floor helping my clients day in and day out.

Skip the wasted time dieting on a diet that won't work.

Skip the sore knees from doing stupid squats.

Skip the "burn out" you'll go through from continually smashing yourself in the gym without adequate recovery because of too much stress and not enough sleep.

I've done that, let's move on.


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