Sergeant Ashby Reporting For Duty

Today's been one of those days.

I only left the house twice to get two coffees.

Worked all day on my ass.

Didn't train #RestDay🤣

Productivity levels have been through the roof, activity levels asleep on the floor haha.

I'm not feeling particularly motivational or wise today, bit fried.

But I have done what needed to be done and beyond.

Which is all that matters at the end of the day.

Getting the job done.

Whether you're dieting, working out or trying to sleep better.

Let me share one line of wisdom I have left in my bones.

Talking about something changes nothing but the fact that you have spent time talking about it and no time doing it Do it.

If you agree with me, if you follow my ethos, you'll love the way I coach.

Stop talking about it and do it


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