The Reason You Can't Be Ar$ed Doing Anything

We hear it every day, "I just need to get motivated and then I'll start."

We even say it ourselves.

Have you ever tried flipping the statement?

"I just need to start and then I'll get motivated."

That'll do it.

But if that isn't enough for you, I've got one more thing for you.

If you can't motivate yourself put yourself in an environment that will.

If you're struggling to motivate yourself to drink, it's not going to happen at the pub.

If you're struggling to motivate yourself to get out and socialise, it won't happen watching back to back Netflix series.

If you can't motivate yourself to eat nutritious, unprocessed meals, it definitely in't happening if you bring back a trolley full of Oreo's, Coke, bread, ice cream and cookies.

Set yourself up for a win by setting your environment up to win.

It's that simple.


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A Good Start ⬛️