I Still Can't Get It Right

I've been a coach for over five years now and I still:

- sleep six hours on average when it should be above eight hours

- don't eat enough vegetables and fruit

- feel like a failure if I over eat or binge my calories away

- struggle with the technique/form of some exercises

- struggle with my time management on a day to day basis

- struggle to take my own advice

- avoid doing the things I know I should do aka procrastination

- take on more than I can handle

I'm sharing this with you because some of you think that by now in life, you should have everything sorted out.

That life should be 'sweet as', as my kiwi brothers and sisters would say.

That you should have a nice white picket fence outside your home with a nice family SUV in the garage and a family inside that you look after, or contribute to.

But guess what?

Maybe you're single.

Maybe you're struggling to make sense of the state of world right now and can't get motivated.

Maybe you just lost your job because of COVID-19 and are struggling financially

Maybe it just hasn't turned out the way you pictured it.

That doesn't mean you've failed, that means you're human just like me and everyone else on this planet (except Oprah and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, they're freaks haha).

We are never 'there' or 'finished', so stop striving for that. Strive for your best.

And if I can be a part of that by transforming your body and life in 8 weeks then your invitation is here.

It's not going to make life perfect but it will help perfect your attitude, mindset and systems towards being the best you.

That I can guarantee.


Pasta Sandwich 4 Lyf


Only Open This If You Have 3 Distraction-Free Minutes ✅