The Power Of One Question...

The last month has been a tough one for people close to me.

I have had clients that have lost people close to them to COVID and also to tragedy.

I have had friends who have lost family.

I'm close to people that have had suicides in the family.

The world is in an interesting place and I cannot find words to explain what has happened and is continuing to happen.

But I know it doesn't take too long to ask if someone is okay.

So can you do me a favor?

Don't sign up to my 8 week program.

Well, not today.

Ask one person if they are okay.

If they are, you have done your job.

If they aren't do whatever you can to help them.

"The world can be dark but it is darker when you feel alone. The world is also bright and it is brighter when you feel someone is with you."


It Wasn't Me, It Couldn't Be
