It Wasn't Me, It Couldn't Be

It's funny when we try to point the finger when we can't stick to a diet or a workout.

I had a wedding and I couldn't track food...

Myfitnesspal was wrong...

I tracked perfectly and I still didn't lose weight...

We've been trying to point the finger since we first walked the planet.

Scientists are still trying to explain how big numbers of animals were wiped off the face of the earth when humans arrived to the land they inhabited at the same time.

It was the change in climate, they say.

But the numbers of sea creatures didn't change which often changed with the change of climate with the rise and drop of sea level and water temperature.

Leaving us guilty.

We can pretend we are perfect robots but truth is we are imperfect humans.

We are full of human error and mistakes.

We can't rub that out of our DNA but we can minimise those mistakes and make our natural tendency to survive work for us.

We can backload our calories to cater to our sweet tooth and tendency to want to eat everything in sight at 10pm.

We can skip breakfast to decrease our calorie consumption.

We can avoid trigger foods to keep us on track.

I've dedicated the last five years of my life to making our humanity work for the better of our results.

And you can get it all on 8 weeks.


To Eat Breakfast Or Not To


The Power Of One Question...