A Cavity As Sure As Gravity

I've been making a few more visits to the dentist lately.

Well I hadn't been for a few years before recently 😂

I never went because I never felt pain or felt that anything was wrong (or I just didn't want to believe anything was wrong) #ignoranceisbliss

Now I'm paying for it.

Swollen gums, cavity's, sensitivity, you name it 😭

Two check up and cleans later and some fillings and potential extractions booked in the future, I'm paying for my ignorance.

As much I'd love for it to all be fixed in one visit to the dentist, several years of ignorance can't be fixed in 60mins.

And the same goes for your body transformation.

Years of bad eating habits can't be fixed in one meal.

Hours of bad posture at work can't be fixed by a few sets of postural exercises at the gym.

An entire life of pushing physical activity to the side can't be made active through "one good week".


An Interview For You If You're On The Fence


Sleep on it