Every day is a good day to join Team Brock Ashby... except for today.

Please don't sign up today.

The hosting website is down, therefore my website is down.

That doesn't mean I don't want you to join Team Brock Ashby, it just means you physically can't (for now).

Today is a good day to talk to your wife and see if she'll allow you to do it when the website's live.

Todays a good day to actually think if you'll commit to a solid 8 weeks with me as a coach.

Because if you can't commit to something as small as 8 weeks, I don't want you to sign up to be honest.

8 weeks is only a snapshot, a moment, in your life.

Insignificant, we could say.

But 8 weeks is also all it takes to get a kick-ass transformation and change your life forever.

You choose.

You decide.

Just not today.

Think about it.

Sleep on it and I'll see you in your inbox tomorrow


A Cavity As Sure As Gravity


How To Get Inspired By Anything