The Magic We All Look For In Success

Most days I sit down to write these emails I have no real idea what I want to talk about.

I just sit down and start writing.

Some days I start writing for a whole 15 mins and end up deleting it.

Some days it's two sentences.

Some days, a memory you could learn a thing or two from.

But most days, I just start writing and let my imagination run wild.

The rest [of that specific email] is history.

You see, just like showing up to the gym is the only thing you need to do to get in a good workout, I just need to open my laptop and start writing to write a good email.

There's no magic, just showing up.

No fancy pill can fix what showing up can.

No quick fix will ever beat what showing up every single day can achieve.

It's time to show up.


If You Didn't Hear Me The First Time... SHOW UP


Escape Room a.k.a Life Room