How I Can Save You 12 Years
A few things I wish I knew when I first started lifting:
- The fastest way to get strong is to train with good form.
- The easiest way to lose weight is to eat less.
- Protein shakes aren't magical. They're just a convenient protein source.
- Creatine doesn't make you bloated.
- Intermittent fasting isn't great for muscle building.
- Keto also sucks for muscle building and is one of the most unsustainable diets to maintain for a long period of time.
- People are too busy staring at themselves, so don't worry about people staring at you in the gym.
- Building muscle is a lot harder than losing fat.
- Carbs don't make you gain fat. Eating too much food does.
These are just a few things I've learnt from lifting, dieting and going to the gym for over 12 years.
And I've put all of them AND MORE into educational videos for my team members to access whenever they want to and need to.
We need more than workouts and diets to transform our body and keep it that way.
We need education.
And you don't need to figure it out over 12 years because I've condensed it all into 8 weeks.