The Most I've Paid For Sheets In My Life

Today I spent over $700 on my bed.

Not a new mattress.

Not a new head board.

Not a new frame.

Just pillows, pillow covers, pillowcases, sheets and doona covers.

Now to a bed expert and sleep lover this may not be a big deal but to me $700 on sheets is psycho.

The only reason I never would have done this in the past was because I never valued sleep.

I never valued a good bed either.

I grew up with my dad falling asleep on the couch with the TV remote still in his hand.

And did I mention the short shorts?

Or even better, he would fall asleep on the floor.

So I never really cared for my bed.

Then as I started working for myself as an 18 year old, I hated sleeping.

I felt like it was unproductive and I was achieving nothing.

I would limit it to 6 hours MAX per night and a minimum of 4 hours per night.

I didn't care where I slept and what surface it was.

Truth is, when I first moved to Auckland, I slept on a coffee table kind of set up with a mattress on top of it with my head leaning up against the dishwasher (that was on every night) and my feet hanging off the edge.

Did that for about 3 months!

I really didn't care.

These days, things have changed.

I know when I need sleep.

I know I'm blurry when I don't get my sleep.

My attention to detail slips, I get sloppy.

I yawn and my brain wants to cut corners.

So to me $700 for a good nights sleep is worth it.

See, I don't believe in this word "expensive".

When you say that, you're saying "I don't see the value in what I'm paying for".

Like some people think personal training is expensive... which it can be.

It's a luxury.

But also some people see the value and pay happily without complaint.

Because they see the confidence gains, the increased levels of self esteem, the big smile when they look in the mirror, the new found attention they get from the opposite sex.

The benefits are endless.


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