Cooking For A Mother On Fathers Day
5 years ago today, I was a boarder with my sister in law's Aunty.
Prior to staying with her I was living in a few different places in Auckland and struggled to feel a sense of 'home' but I found it with Nicky.
It was Fathers Day and she had lost her husband and had to bring up two beautiful children on her own.
I knew regardless if she said it, or didn't say it, it would be a tough day for her.
I woke up early and cooked her breakfast [the photo above] and I slipped a card under her pillow when she was wandering around the house after she finished breakfast.
I tried to sneak out of the house before she read the card because I wanted to give her space but she found it early and we hugged it out.
Fathers day is a celebration for most but an unwanted reminder for some.
Exactly how I love Mothers Day but am always reminded on the day that I can't celebrate it with her.
I was diving into some research on eating disorders this morning and it can be the same for people that have Anorexia.
Eating is a great reward for most but for someone with Anorexia, they don't even want to eat.
The reason I'm bringing all of this up is...
You don't know what someone's going through, so always be kind, non judgemental and encouraging.
Someone may be overweight but they may have already lost 20kg and have 40kg to go.
Someone may be shredded and lean but really struggle with their relationship with food and fitness/life balance.
Someone may look like they know what they're doing in the gym but may feel really insecure about their technique or what they see in the mirror.
Now I'm not saying I can help you with your eating disorder or the pain you feel when you're reminded of a lost one but I can give you the tools to transform your body.
To better your relationship with food.
To better your knowledge of the technique you train with.
To better the education you have around your lifestyle and how it can benefit your goals.
With no judgement, kindness and complete encouragement, I can help you be the version of yourself you want to become in Team Brock Ashby
P.s. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there on the email list!