It's All The Same Sh*t...
You know the reason you're too scared to ask a girl out?
It's the same reason you're too scared to ask for a pay raise.
You know the reason you're too scared to dump your lazy boyfriend?
It's the same reason you haven't got results in your body transformation.
Being scared of something that hasn't happened yet.
Key words:
"Hasn't happened yet".
The sooner you overcome fear, the sooner you become free to look things in the eye and take them head on.
The only way to get through it, is by doing.
The first day you learn to ride a bike, you're scared.
You're full of fear.
But as soon as you fall off a few times and realise it isn't so bad, the fear dissipates.
But it only dissipates when you start doing and become confident.
Fear can't remain when confidence is present.
Just like darkness cant exist where light is present.