Why Being A Shredded PT Doesn't Mean Sh*t...

In 2017, I thought having a lean physique made me a good coach.

I thought having muscle and abs got me clients.

I thought it made my business successful.

I was wrong and although I did have clients I soon realised they didn’t care about my physique but only about what I could do for theirs.

Truth is, they had kids and I didn’t.

Most of them had a sedentary job and I averaged 30,000 steps per day as a PT on the gym floor.

I lifted in my spare time and they did things to de-stress like watch TV or had duties to do like pick up their kids from sport, school or friends houses.

I had all the time to workout and track calories, they didn’t.

You’d hope I’d be in better shape than them with a commitment-less life I was living in comparison to them.

The best mindset shift I made as a PT was focusing on who was in front of me, not focusing on me and how impressive [subjective] I could be.

Very simple but often missed by most PT’s that can’t stop checking themselves in the mirror while they train their client or looking around the room to see who is watching their session.

And even though I made that mindset shift to look after my clients beyond how I looked, I still committed the same amount of time to my training, my nutrition and my lifestyle.

You don’t need to be shredded to be a good PT but on the other hand you also don’t need to stop applying everything you know and be complacent.

You just need to get your client to where they want to go, which is what I want to do for you.

Im still pretty much in the same shape I was a few years ago and if I was judged as a PT on how I look, I wouldn’t have progressed at all.

But that’s not the measure of a PT, it’s how we can get out clients from where they are now to where they want to be.

So what do you say?

Are you in?


Busyness VS. Business


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