The Reason You Don't Do What You Need To Do

The reason people don't start a business is they don't know what to do.

The reason people don't lose weight is they don't know how to.

The reason people aren't living a life of happiness is because they don't know what it looks like and a plane won't take off unless it has a destination to go to.

I know this because I've been in all of these positions.

I wanted to be a PT almost a year before I became one.

I did hours of cardio and weight lifting to lose weight, without knowing what the hell a calorie deficit was, and failed.

I was unhappy many times in my early 20's because I didn't know what my happiness looked like.

I trained for many years at high school and got little to no results in many aspects because I didn't know what I was doing.

And today I'm training a couple of boys that are 16 and 15 and they're already stronger than their parents 🤣

I'm not saying you can't get results by yourself, you can.

I'm saying you can get better results when you know:
- what to do
- when to do it
- how to do it
- and why you're doing it

Which is what I'm committed to providing in Team Brock Ashby and why the majority of content you get in the 8 Week Team Brock Ashby Body Transformation Program is educational.

So you are empowered to do what you need to to get to where you want to be.

Empowerment through education.


Why Being A Shredded PT Doesn't Mean Sh*t...


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