From Homeless 2 Forbes List

Genetics are the biggest factor to influence our body transformation.

A lot of people know this, some don't, but the fact is you can still make a change to your body.

Work hard in your workouts.

Eat the right amount of calories for your goal.

And you can do the best with what you were gifted with genetically.

Just like if you're born into a family without great wealth, you still have the opportunity to be wealthy if you use the correct methods and strategies.

Work hard at your job or career or developing your own business.

Utilise the right amount of networking, marketing and implementation.

And you can create your own wealth. Create your own future with what you were gifted with genetically... Your skill set.

"Luck is a byproduct of those who take the most action. The harder you work the luckier you get."

Sure, there's a large population of people who were "lucky" that were born into great genetics and great wealth but don't forget the stories of the people that went from homeless to Forbes list.

These stories of hope don't just exist in our financial lives, they exist in our physical lives too.

Which is why there is such a huge focus on education in Team Brock Ashby.

If I teach you how to fish, you can catch your own transformation and change the way you live to get the results you want!

Because whether you have genetics that make it hard for you to develop your chest or have always had trouble with growing your glutes, with the right tactics in place, progress can always be made!


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