The Biggest Jaw Dropping Fact You Can Learn About 2 Balls
Did you know that two basketballs can fit into one regulation size basketball hoop?
Even though it looks like only one basketball can fit into the hoop, two can.
But why do we believe that only one ball can fit in the hoop?
Or another question... why have we never thought of doing it?
Because we are so used to seeing one basketball go into the hoop, we don't even think of it.
We turn the TV on and watch the NBA, one basketball goes in the hoop.
We play with our friends, one basketball goes in the hoop.
All we see is one basketball going into the hoop.
But just because other people aren't doing it doesn't mean it isn't possible.
If your friends diet is failing, it doesn't mean it isn't possible.
If your friends marriage is rocky, it doesn't mean yours will be.
If your cousins body transformation was not successful, it does not mean yours wont be.
You just need to ask the question, is it possible?
Not, is it possible for others?
Or ,are other people doing it?
But, can I do it?
And the answer is with the correct methods and strategies, you definitely can.