Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect is a rubbish quote.

Practice makes permanent.

If you practice well, you'll execute well.

If you practice like poo, you execute like poo.

Just the physical act of practicing just isn't good enough.

You need to do it well.

Which is why diets fail and people struggle to build muscle.

They diet but their diet doesn't align with their goals

They workout but key principles are missing, such as progressive overload.

If you're going to do something, do it right.

Practice right because that is where the right execution will occur or have a higher chance of occurring in whatever you choose to do.

This is exactly why I don't just create programs and calorie numbers, I create an education for you to grow your knowledge on the tools and methods it takes for you to practice getting the results you want.


Brock "NOT-A-CHEF" Ashby


Connect 4 - The Guru Of Life