What I learnt from hitting my ? on the handlebars
I'm almost finished reading 'The 10X Rule' by Grant Cardone.
I'm not a huge fan of the dude but I'm a big believer that success leaves clues.
And he has acquired a ton of what he has defined for him as... 'success'.
Success doesn't always mean owning a private jet and acquiring a huge real estate portfolio.
Success can be whatever you define it to be in your life.
But I'm in agreement with Grant Cardone when he says that a huge determining factor of how successful you are is correlated to how much action you take.
Think about it for a second...
You try something, you fail, you learn.
You try something, you succeed.
Both of these results are positive, none are negative.
But too many people are so scared of failing due to the embarrassment of what others will think and the feeling of failing.
But failure is only a lesson learnt, a positive!
When I was learning how to ride a bike as a kid, as soon as I could do it without trainer wheels, on the same day, I tried to ride it with no hands...
I biked over a pothole, hit my d*ck on the handle bars and cried all the way home.
Sure, I failed.
Sure, my brother and dad laughed at me and I felt embarrassed.
But I learnt that biking with no hands took a lot of skill and that I didn't have that skillset yet.
And that I had to work on the basics first before adding on the flare of looking cool with no hands on the handle bars.
I learnt how important mastering the basics was through my failure.
The more you create action, the more you either learn or win.
Both great results.
So if you haven't joined Team Brock Ashby yet, I want to encourage you to take action and transform your body in 8 weeks.
All you can do is learn or succeed.
And the success rate is very high indeed 😉