You Have To Look In The Right Places

There's a documentary at the moment called My Octopus Teacher on Netflix.

About how an octopus forms a bond with a human and they have a "friendship", some could say.

You may have seen it.

A big underlying outcome from the documentary is that we can learn so much from octopus and the ocean when immersed into it but in my opinion, we can learn so much from anything.

You can see a baby trying to crawl/walk.

Try, fail, try, fail, try, fail and be inspired by their persistence.

You can see a cat that loses weight by eating less and learn the power of calories in versus calories out.

You can look at a friend and see how their career has sky rocketed from a big boost in confidence from daily exercise.

You could conclude being confident can help break through limitations and barriers that had previously stopped you from reaching your potential.

Though it's a moving story and I do think we can learn from the octopus, you don't need to swim with an octopus to learn how to improve yourself.

Education is everywhere.

Especially in Team Brock Ashby where you can watch over 400+ educational videos to grow your knowledge in all areas of health and fitness.


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