Posting A Transformation Photo for $200

Yesterday I had someone DM me with an offer for me to buy their transformation photo for $200.

So that I could post it and potentially get more clients but the truth is...

Team Brock Ashby doesn't need it.

I've started to post more transformation photos on my socials now because they motivate and they inspire.

But what they really do is tell a story

A story of change.

A story of an accumulation of newly formed habits.

A story of discipline and commitment to a goal.

A story of correct methods and strategies applied over an 8 week period.

A story that "someone in your position" has transformed to a position that you would like to be in with decreased body fat, more muscle, more confidence etc etc (for example).

So if you're reading this email, I'm sure you're tired of looking at the transformation photos I am posting or any others online.

That's good.

Because that means it's time to create one of yourself.

The current you vs. the future you.


"There's Nothing Else To Do"


My Family Taught Me How To Bomb