Didn't Wanna Write This Email...
Not gonna lie....
Today I woke up and felt like rolling back over to go back to sleep.
The 4:30am wake up smashed me yesterday and I don't think I caught up last night even getting 8 hours of sleep.
I didn't really want to make my coffee today but as soon as I put the coffee beans in the grinder, I thought I may as well make a coffee
I didn't really want to post on socials but as soon as I opened the app and hit "post story", I thought I may as well post content.
I didn't really want to write this email but as soon as I opened my laptop and hit "write campaign", I thought I may as well write an email.
And I can imagine today won't be the most energetic day for me but all I plan to do is "half doing" the task ahead.
Because when you're halfway there, you may as well just finish it!
Not very motivational... I know but super, super practical.
So if you don't feel like doing anything today.
Just do half of what you need to do and see what happens.
So if you don't really want to sign up to the 8 Week Team Brock Ashby program today, don't think about the 8 weeks of hard work, dieting and lifestyle changes you need to make.
Just sign up and you'll be halfway.