Waking Up In The SAS
It's 4:51am right now.
I woke up about 30mins ago.
Not because I wanted to but because I had to.
I felt something crawl across my stomach while I was sleeping and I woke up and went straight into SAS mode.
I remained calm.
I took a few silent breaths.
I stared down at the bed letting my eyes adjust to night vision mode.
I slowly felt around for something, hoping not to find anything tbh 😂
I felt under the blanket.
I felt under my pillow.
Now back in NZ we don't have anything harmful spiders, we don't even have any snakes but Australia is known for their deadly spiders and snakes.
So I couldn't get back to sleep.
Not without knowing what just scrawled over my body.
So I decided to get up and start my day by sending this email.
Sometimes in life we just need a nudge from the universe in the right direction.
A nudge to get out of bed and get shit done.
A nudge to do what is needed.
A nudge to kiss the ugly frog first thing in the morning.
Well here it is.
Hit the link below to nudge yourself in a healthier direction.
P.s. Don't worry, it wasn't a red belly snake or a red back spider.
Just a cockroach that I ended up catching and releasing safely outside.