All The Right Moves In All The Wrong Places, Oh Yeeeeee We're Going Down

I know your eyes will be heavy after hearing my life story, so I'll keep this short.

Here's what I actually provide to you if I were to be your coach.

  • 2 x 4 week personalised workout programs for your body and your goals

  • Exercise videos for every exercise in your workout program to ensure correct technique

  • Customised nutrition coaching (daily calories and macros) and step targets

  • Several recipes for fat loss and muscle building to incorporate into your diet

  • Weekly progress check-Ins with photos, measurements and feedback on your progress

  • Educational videos to learn the science and methods and strategies to get the best results

  • Continuous online support from me as your online personal trainer

  • Access to the Team Brock Ashby FaceBook page for a nice community vibe with everyone else doing the program

It's one thing having the right work ethic but put it in the wrong place and that's a ton of time and energy wasted.

Put it in the right place.

Put it in Team Brock Ashby.




My Life Story ? #sorrynotsorry