Posted this about a week back.
With a caption that said resilience and patience are the two key factors for a successful body transformation.
Some people were inspired and pumped.
Some thought I was talking smack.
Apparently I took steroids to transform my body.
Apparently, it wasn't the amount of food I was eating and the 12 years of training almost every day, it was the dosage of gear I was taking.
This stuff doesn't usually get to me.
The more I have grown on social media, the more i've learnt to deal with chumps on the internet.
Turns out one of the guys has an instagram page completely dedicated to calling people out and writing captions about the amount of steroids he thinks they're taking.
What a loser.
Anyway, this doesn't piss me off because it hurts my feelings.
I know what I've done to get where I am.
It pisses me off because people see it and think that what they're going for cannot be achieved.
Yes, my transformation is pretty dramatic.
I have great genetics (thanks mum and dad) and I also trained like a mad man for 12 years and spent a huge amount of time reading blogs, studying, educating myself on training programs and nutrition.
I was obsessed for years.
Still am.
Oh and I do it for work too haha.
When I worked at Havaianas selling Jandals, I would read blogs between customers (and the store was pretty dead).
Months of knowledge in the bank.
Anyway, what I want you to take away is, what you want to achieve is possible but your work ethic and consistency must match the goal.
You can't build 16kg of muscle in 6 years by going to the gym twice per week and eating whatever you want.
Just like you can't build a house without sufficient material and labour time to put it together.
Step 1) Be ambitious with your goal.
Step 2) Match the necessary work ethic and consistency with the goal.
3) Ignore losers that try to slow you down.