Double Dosing Supplements

Off the plane and back into Sydney life.

Pushing through jet lag like a starving shredder trying to get through a calorie deficit.

But instead of stopping myself from eating, I'm stopping myself from sleeping by sending this email.

Yes, everybody has different ways of keeping themselves awake.

Mine is work.

Sitting on the plane for about 18 hours coming from sunny Chicago to a miserable and rainy Sydney was a bit of a slap in the face but I'm excited to be home.

The thing that dieting and jet lag have in common is that you have to have discipline to overcome them.

Push through when you're hungry.

And push through when you're sleepy.

You're stretching the boundaries of what’s comfortable and striving for a successful result.

There's tips and tricks to help but ultimately will power and discipline will steer you to victory.

Just like there's tips and tricks to get you your body transformation but ultimately discipline and will power will get you there.

You can take supplements, yes.

But you can't substitute showing up to the gym.

You can't substitute hitting your calories and macros every single day.

You can't.

You just can't.

It will never work.

Double dosing supplements and under-dosing hard work will never work


Dealing With What Life Throws At You


Don't Delay it Any Longer