Why I Chose To Be A PT

This morning I was asked why I decided to be a PT from someone who is thinking of career paths and what he wants to do with himself career wise.

This was my answer:

"Hey mate,
It was gut instinct.
I wanted to help people and it aligned with what I was good at, my skill base.
Wasn't for money.
I loved it working out and talking and reading about it and figured if i get paid to do it, it won't feel like work.
Here I am 5 years later.
Doing something is better than doing nothing [out of fear]."

I don't like to give long winded answers pouring out my heart story and giving a ton of detail because that is the exact thing that stops most of us from freaking doing anything.

We get so caught up on details.

What if this happens?

What if that happens?

If I do that, then what about this?

Truth is, when I decided to be a PT, I was crying on my bedroom floor not knowing what to do with my life after deciding not to pursue singing anymore.

I had no other options.

No other skills or passions to my name but fitness.

So I got myself together and dived in head first to personal training and the rest is history.

So let me repeat that quote one more time for you...

Doing something is better than doing nothing [out of fear].


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