Getting Lucky?? I'd Rather Not!

Was leaving the gym yesterday and a person said to me...

"Leaving again [knowing I was off to the Philippines Saturday]?"

I said, "Yeah man, looking forward to it".

He then had the courage to say, "Lucky you!"

If there's one thing I hate in this world it's people putting things down to luck.


Getting clients results.

Educating myself on the latest.

Posting daily content.

Writing daily e-mails.

Sifting through all offers and proposals.

Running my own business.

Keeping a 'smile on the dial' daily

And I'm lucky??

I'm not at all blowing smoke up my own ass by showing you how hard I work, I'm outlining the fact that things in this world do not happen by chance team.

Zuckerberg didn't get lucky on Facebook.

Bill Gates didn't get lucky with Microsoft.

My client Katie didn't get luck on losing 45kg.

I don't believe in luck and I don't believe you do either.

Luck is for the lazy.

Luck is for the "one day" people,

Luck is for the "some day" people.

Not you and not me.

Body transformations don't occur by luck.

They happen through calorie deficits.

They happen through correctly structured workout programs.

They happen through accountability.

They happen through following the right guidance.

They happen through setting goals and smashing them with an 'I'm the best" attitude!

Brock Ashby, 2019




Why Do We Do This To Ourselves?