Brock "Madman" Ashby 2.0
This morning, I have woken up with a fire under my ass and have been working like a madman.
I don't know what it is.
I can't quite put my finger on it.
Maybe it's the freeing feeling from doing all my work this morning in my underwear at the dinner table?
Maybe it's the How to Train A Dragon Soundtrack?
Maybe it's the organic coffee?
Maybe it's the fact I slept an extra hour last night?
Maybe the "new year, new me" spirit is still floating around?
Or maybe it's...
The fact everything in our life accumulates together and creates our environment and today my environment has set me up for success.
I'm well slept.
I'm well motivated.
I'm well energised.
And I'm well passionate about my job.
There's no real secret to being motivated and achieving what you want to achieve.
There's one simple fact we need to listen to...
We are products of our environment.
And that environment can be positive for us, or negative.
So to create your positive environment for a body transformation,