Coming In Hot #VentingMachine

Quick one from me.

It's pi$$ing me off a bit on insta so I came here to vent to you 😂😂😂

Supplements don't build you muscle.

They don't even make you lose weight.

Hell, only a couple of them help you recover a bit better and they sure as hell don't make you burn fat.

I'm not anti supplements, hear me out.

I'm anti-bull$hit.

I'm anti-misinformation.

Too many are lead astray focusing on the icing when they haven't even got the ingredients to bake a cake, yet alone have the cake.

Stop focusing on what helmet you'll wear in a F1 race, when you're on a bicycle up against F1 cars.

Results come from:

- progressive overload
- goal specific nutrition
- adequate recovery
- good programming
- hard work
- patience

Not flipping supplements.

Thanks, BYE.


Just Get Up... I Don't Care How You Do It


Ziggy, Wise Beyond His Years...