Gucci T-Shirt Or Sunset Dinner?

This Saturday I went to the beach with Kiki.  We played cards, monopoly deal and went for a swim and popped some bombs.  We then went and had dinner on a cliff face and watched the sunset (photo above)  It was a beautiful weekend and we made the mos…

This Saturday I went to the beach with Kiki.

We played cards, monopoly deal and went for a swim and popped some bombs.

We then went and had dinner on a cliff face and watched the sunset (photo above)

It was a beautiful weekend and we made the most of the weather

And you know what, we probably spent less that $100 😂

When the foundations of a relationship are not built on strong foundations, the amount of money spent on a date won't save it.

Nor will the designer t shirt you wear or luxury car you drive.

Just like when your principles of training and nutrition are off, the amount of money you spend on supplements will not save your results.

Nor will the lifting belt or wrist straps.

A house is only as strong as its' foundations.

This is true for everything in life but I'm here to talk to you about your body transformation.

Are your foundations set?

Or are you building on swampland? 😂😂😂


Why Inception Is The Worst Movie In The World *period*


Just Get Up... I Don't Care How You Do It