2021 and we're still here
You don’t need motivation, you need to start.
Motivation isn’t something we need to rely on to begin with.
We actually don't need it at all.
Its like a supplement... it helps.
If you’re relying on motivation to do something, ask yourself if you really want to do the thing that you’re trying to get motivated for.
Think about it, you’re not motivated when you eat.
You’re hungry and you take action because your drive to eat is greater than it is not to eat, simply because you’re hungry.
So instead of asking yourself what motivates you, ask yourself what drives you.
Then align your life with what drives you.
If you’re not motivated to workout, either shut up and do it or find a different workout that you’re driven to do or a form of exercise you gravitate towards.
There’s too many people out there having pity parties for themselves because they’re not motivated when they could really change their situation by doing things they're naturally driven to do.
Tennis, yoga, hiking, Crossfit?
I know lockdown has put limitations on our living situations but nothing great ever happened waiting for “motivation”.
Actually nothing happened.
Take action.
Take action, get results, then use the hit of motivation you get from getting results to take further action.
It’s a snowball effect when you get it right.
But the snowball starts with action, not motivation.
Action, results, motivation, repeat etc.
So instead of asking yourself when you will start, I'm here to ask you how you will start