The Philippines Is Breaking My Heart

Here's a taste of my childhood back in NZ...

Playing Hot Wheels on the carpet at home.

Taking my bike to the BMX park to do jumps.

Climbing trees and collecting pine cones for the fireplace.

Rugby training, league training, touch training, basketball training, volleyball training, athletics training.

Eating crayons and worms from the mud.

Playing with the my bro on the trampoline.

Funny story, I once left my uncles house with a massive red/brown/black bump on my forehead after being double-bounced head first into the side of the house.

The house was made of bricks HAHA

And then my uncle rubbed butter on it??

Anyone know what that even does?

Anyway i'm side tracked.

Some of the children here in the Philippines childhoods are like this...

Begging for money whilst traffic stops at the lights.

Searching for food in the garbage.

Doing absolutely nothing because of low energy levels as a result of malnutrition.

This is a complete contrast of mine and potentially yours too.

I can't stand seeing it.

How there can be childhoods so completely different to what I have had and potentially you.

This has nothing to do with fitness but what really matters... LIFE.

Be grateful for what you have.

You haven't seen what I have seen here driving through the slums and walking amongst their walk of life but take it from me.

You have it good.

You have it reeeeeeeal good.

At least appreciate the fact that you don't beg on the streets for food scraps or money.

We are not entitled to anything and must be grateful. for the things we have in life.

Not the luxuries, the basics.

Brock <3


The Best Caption Ever Written By My Two Hands


Another big NO NO