Don't listen to me I'm not famous ;(
I've started posting heaps on tiktok lately.
Partly to bring up my social media profile, partly as a challenge to myself to see how I can grow my profile form nothing.
Yesterday I had about 200 followers and today I have 888 followers, it's going well I guess.
But yesterday I had this comment from someone saying to me "how is this person with 200 followers acting like he's a fitness guru life coach influencer".
And it had me thinking...
2) The amount of followers someone has says nothing about the advice that they give. There are many people with millions of followers giving out dumb advice that confirm the bias that they have or the financial kickbacks they'll receive on the back of a post.
Just because a million people say something, doesn't make it right 😂😂😂
3) If Newton had 200 followers, his laws would still be as true as they are today.
4) If you want followers, got to instagram and search my name you knob. Followers don't mean I'm smart at all, nor do they give what I say any more weight.
So, if you want a coach that has heaps of followers because you think that it means something.
I do have followers but I'm not the coach for you.
I base my coaching off evidence based research, years of practice and study and thousands of hours on the gym floor as a coach with a ton of testimonials to back it up.
If you want a coach with tons of followers, jump on Insta and tiktok and jump on the next band wagon that's floating around the industry.
Byeeeeee haha