The Worst Day Ever (for my steps

It's 2:30pm, I've done 1000 steps.

Probably my lowest for this time in my entire life haha.

So I'm going to finish this and get my a$$ moving.

I usually spend 10-30mins writing these emails but I'm giving it two minutes today.

You see, I need to get 10,000 steps per day. Not because it's a magical number but because it's part of the "how you do anything is how you do everything" mindset.

And as soon as I drop the ball in one area of my life, it's easier for others to follow.

Just like when you have one cheat day on your diet and it turns int a cheat week and then a failed diet.

You know what I mean?


Why Social Media Can Mess You Up 🤳🏼


Now... Do it now