Why Social Media Can Mess You Up 🤳🏼

"It’s easy to look happy on social media.

Huge smiles.

Good downlighting.

The best angles.

Heaps of likes.

Cool cars and cool cribs.

Carefully selected filters.

Actually let’s talk about this for a minute... I hate filters with a passion.

You know why?

Because you don’t walk around with a bloody filter on your face. You walk around with the face you were born with and if you’re artificially altering your face to get more likes, you’re changing who you are to impress others.

That’s f**ked.

But so many of social media isn’t happiness, it’s fronting a highlight reel because the real truth is we often care about how happy people think we are than how happy we really are.

And I’m not writing this post to tell you how to be happy or how to live your life, I’m saying that we need to stop portraying a different version of ourselves to please other people (whether we know them or not).

Be you.

That’s the only way you will be truly happy when you lay your head down each night."

This is a direct copy and paste from my instagram post this morning.

A lot of songwriters and creative people talking about catching ideas/melodies/concepts straight away.

As soon as you have an idea, catch it and work on it straight away while it's hot and the "flow" is there.

This was one of those moments.

It didn't even feel like I wrote it.

Like my hands were in autopilot and I was just a vessel.

Very outer body experience.

But regardless how it came, this is what happiness comes down to IMHO.

Being yourself.

And while being yourself leads to happiness, being the best version of yourself will make you feel even better.

Which is all I try to do in the 8 Week TBA body transformation program.


Struggle now, win later 💦


The Worst Day Ever (for my steps