Struggle now, win later 💦

I've talked about this before.

So let me hit you with it twice.

Unless you're willing to struggle with something, you're going to struggle with the avoidance of that thing.

Here's an example because that's howe things click for me.

If you're not willing to struggle with a calorie deficit, you're going to struggle with the repercussions of avoiding it... like not losing weight.

If you're not willing to struggle going out and introducing yourself to a girl you thinks cute, you're going to struggle with the avoidance of doing that innit?

You'll be beating yourself up at home for being a softy.

If you're not willing to struggle with saving your cash instead of blowing it as soon as your pay-check comes through, you'll struggle with the avoidance of saving and will never have that house deposit you always wanted.

If you don't struggle now, you'll end up struggling later.


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