Zoom Calls To Save The Fitness Industry 👨🏻💻
Tonight I was on a zoom call discussing supplement, vitamins and minerals within the fitness industry which is a conversation that will go on longer than I live so here's my stance.
If you don't have to do, don't do it.
If you can eat your minerals and vitamins, eat them.
A scoop of greens powder is not the same as consuming the vegetables and fruits in the ingredients.
If you can live a healthy lifestyle, live it.
Taking a pre workout to cover up a $hitty nights sleep, does not work.
Training too hard, too often and under eating is a recipe for burnout and injuries. No amount of protein powder or creatine will be able to save you.
If you can get what you need out of your diet, workout regimen and lifestyle, don't supplement it.
Supplements fill the gaps we can't fill ourselves.
If you can't eat enough fish throughout the week, maybe supplement with fish oil.
If you can't get the sun on your skin (London peeps), maybe supplement with Vitamin D.
You see where I'm going with this?
If you can fix it yourself, fix it.
And if you can't fix it, let me help.
Let me coach you to the body you want and ultimately a better, more healthy you!