The Role Fat Burners Play In Fat Loss 🐸
I'm sick of people thinking that they need fat burners to lose fat.
Or should I say fAt BuRnErZ ??
You don’t need a fat burner, you need to create a calorie deficit (the only way to lose fat).
If your fat loss halts, it’s not time to upgrade to a more expensive, high end fat burner.
It's time to get your strategy right.
The longer you diet, the more likely you are to have metabolic adaptation which is your bodies response to dieting where your metabolism down regulates.
You have to get creative to find different ways of creating a calorie deficit by moving a bit more or eating a bit less, not finding a more effective fat burner.
You could walk to work.
You could walk with your girlfriend or boyfriend instead of watching TV.
I have nothing wrong with supplements, I just think we should be using them if we need them.
Key word... “if” not “when”.
And you never really need a fat burner, you just need to be consistent with your diet.
Most people can't sustain a diet past Friday afternoon.
Your focus should not be on supplements, it should be on creating a diet that is sustainable for you and going to get you to your goal.
Contrary to what supplement companies want you to believe, you can get incredible results without taking one supplement.
You just need to put your focus in the right areas, which comes down to growing your education and knowing what that looks like and how to implement it.
I don't like to look at myself as a personal trainer, just someone who shows you what to do and why you're doing it to get results.