Tub Of Ben & Jerry's B4 Bed

I used to live the good life as a personal trainer on the gym floor.

I would walk 30,000 steps per day on average on top of training 6-7x per week.

The amount of calories I would expend per day was ridiculous.

If I didn't eat a whole tub of Ben & Jerry's at night time and two Guzman Gomez Burritos for lunch I would lose weight.

It was literally impossible to gain weight due to my physical activity level being so high.

But now, as an online coach, I may as well have got a reception job in an office.

If I don't get out and walk and schedule in a workout, I'll be doing 4000-6000 steps per day.

Now my maintenance calories have gone down from about 4,500 calories per day to 3,000 calories (which is still a lot).

So now I wake up and go for a walk, walk in my rest periods at the gym and go for an evening walk too if needed just to get 10,000 steps.

Small adjustments help the bigger picture.

A glass of water in replacement of a glass of coke.

A walk instead of an hour of TV.

A tub of Halo Top Ice Cream instead of Ben & Jerry's.

These small changes all add up and with all the changes we have in our lives day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year... They come in handy and make a huge difference to our results.

If your environment changes and you don't, you may not get any results or at least the results you were initially getting, or want.


Context Over Content - How It Changed My Life


Quote For You... You Aren't Who You Say You Are