You Aren't A Lazy Ba$tard 😂😂😂

The first ever job I had was with a company called Vbase flipping burgers and selling them.

It was at a rugby stadium so it was only busy before the game and at half time.

I didn't do much.

I put stuff between a bun, wrapped it in tin foil and gave it to people that bought the burgers.

Other than that, I sat around twiddling my thumbs.

I had no phone at the time, so I just sat around and chatted to someone if they were working with me or just looked blankly out of the burger store at strangers waiting for them to buy a burger.

I was always driven, just not to sell burgers.

I wanted to be outside playing sport, playing Xbox with my mates or watching movies at home with the family.

You could look back at me when I was flipping burgers and say that I was lazy.

But truth is, I just didn't care about burgers.

I cared about other things.

We are not lazy people by nature.

We are all driven.

We are just all driven by different things.

I'm a lazy cook but I'm an awesome organiser.

I'm a lazy mechanic (I don't know where to start to put on a spare tyre) but I'm a great writer.

I'm a terrible drawer but I can coach people really well.

If you feel lazy, unmotivated or just literally can't be f***ed.

I want you to know that you're not.

You just haven't found the right thing that gets you ticking.

If you can't be bothered going for a run, it's probably not for you.

If you're trying to make excuses not to go on a date, you don't even like the person enough to go and see them, you won't be in a relationship with them!

If you can't be bothered working out, dieting or improving yourself inside and out, I really don't think you don't want to.

Or that you're too lazy.

I just think the way you're going about it isn't doing it for you.

So I want you to try Team Brock Ashby and see how that goes for you.

I break everything down in a very simple way to make sure you know why you're doing what you're doing and how to get the result you're going for.

Don't be a lazy ba$tard 😂


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