How To Find Strength…

"You have power over your mind, not outside events.
Realise this and you will find strength."

- Marcus Arelius

You can't control COVID but you can control what you do to prevent it from spreading by wearing a mask and social distancing.

You can't control your girlfriend/boyfriend breaking up with you but you can control how you get back on track with your life.

You can't control that your gym membership is expensive but you can control where you prioritise your money.

Being strong isn't just having a strong body that can deadlift a small house.

Being strong is having the strength to make decisions that guide you to the best version of yourself.

Cheesy, I know but I'm saying it because you need to hear it.

Take a big, long hard look at yourself and you'll see that you can be stronger.

You could grow some ball$ and ask for that pay rise you've been moaning about for months.

You could afford your gym membership if you stopped subscribing to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and Stan (when you only use 1-2 anyway).

You could eat better if you didn't buy the exact foods you try to avoid.

You would be more physically active if you went for 30min walks amongst your 3 hours of TV.

You would get better results with your transformation if you swallowed your pride and asked for help.

Sure, you 'feel strong' by doing it on your own.

But true strength is having power over your mind, not outside events.

And if those outside events (your results) aren't going the way you want, it's time to override your mind and join Team Brock Ashby.

Control what you can control and let the outside events take place.

You have the power.


Putting The 'cHeAt MeAl' In It's Coffin That It Belongs In ⚰️


You Want the 14 inches… 😳