Once Isn't GOOD Enough, It Has To Be Over & Over Again πŸ˜‰

"We don’t remember what we do, we remember what we rehearse."
- Seth Godin.

I'm reading Seth's book 'This is Marketing' at the moment and I can't help but think how accurate his marketing advice is to fitness.

It's not good enough to do something once.

You have to do it over and over again.

That's where the results are.

In the consistency but more specifically, in the quality of the consistency.

There's no need to pat yourself on the back for having a salad for lunch if you absolutely murder two entire pizzas for yourself at dinner time and go over your calories by 1500.

We aren't what we do once, we are what we do in every decision that we make.

And if you want a place to rehearse those decisions.

Team Brock Ashby is a safe place to do it, with a community to support you and a coach [me] to support you the entire way.


I'm Done Emailing You...


Peeing at 0430 #SASpee