What Bias Do You Have? Find Out Here
The confirmation bias is a bias toward a belief we already hold.
E.g. The keto diet worked for you, so you think everyone should do keto.
The desirability bias is a bias toward something we want to believe is true.
E.g. You believe that people that cheat on their partner in a monogamous relationship should be granted a second chance (most probably because you are guilty of it).
Both of these biases are all through the fitness industry.
Which is why it's so bloody confusing.
Some people saying keto is the best diet in the world and then here is Brock losing 5kg in 30days eating ice cream... WTF?
Some people saying you need to workout at the gym every day and then people saying you should do yoga three times per week and go 100% plant based.
Some people are saying sleep is important and others are saying 'sleep when you're dead'.
This is why it's so important to know what the science says.
Science doesn't care about your feelings or what worked for other people, science cares about what work, why it works and it's up to us, or me as a coach, to decide who it works for.
Which is why I have over 5.5 hours of education for all my members.
Not to overload you with information but to give you an opportunity to decide whether all the BS you read on instagram is true.
Is Keto a good fat loss diet or is it better to just leave it for epileptic children?
Is it better to train 6 days per week or 4 days per week?
Find the answers to questions like these in any Team Brock Ashby program, check them out by checking the plans on my website.