A Different Type Of Transformation Photo 👨🏻‍🎓

Today I posted a photo on instagram saying it wasn't a transformation photo but a continuation photo.

To transform is to make a marked change in form, nature or appearance.

To continue is to persist in an activity or process, which I think should be the long term goal for everyone pursuing to better themselves, whether that be physically or in other aspects of our lives.

Because without the continuation of processes put in place, there will be no transformation.

A transformation is the result of continuation.

And if you only focus on transforming your body, you’ll overlook the processes that will get you there.

If you focus on losing weight but not creating a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight.

If you focus on sleeping more but don't set your schedule up to hit the hay any earlier, your sleep won't change.

I’ve got no problem with people wanting to change their appearance, mindset and lifestyles.

I love that.

I coach thousands of people in Team Brock Ashby to do it but never is that the focus over actually putting in the work and continuing to do that day in and day out.

Process > outcome people.

Process > outcome.


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