This Is Why When You Try And Do Good You Get Slapped In The Face With Resistance 🤕

Just got back from the highlighted part of our day these days... the walk outside (that can't be further than 5km from our house).

As soon as I stepped outside it started pissing down with rain.

Then it got windy and started raining sideways.

No umbrella, no nothing.

Just soaking wet.

It was a reminder to me that, the world doesn't wait for you ad align the stars to do what you want.

Actually most of the time you plan to do something brave, you are met with resistance.

When I wanted to become a personal trainer in NZ, I was met with almost being broke with a few thousand dollars I had left and had to spend it to pay a 'franchise fee' to become a PT at a commercial gym and was left with no money.

When I was trying to build my client base as a personal trainer in Sydney, I was constantly being told "no" and I knew it was because I was a young 22 year old from New Zealand and the older finance professionals thought I didn't have the chops to get them the result.

When Kiki and I started to book our wedding, COVID hit and screwed up our entire schedule.

Every time you take a step out of your comfort zone, remember it's a comfort zone for a reason.

Look at it like stepping out of shelter on a rainy day.

You will never get to where you want to be in a place of comfort.

A place of comfort is stationary.

So step out.

Get wet.

Get cold.

The resistance that we face when we step out of our comfort zone doesn't defeat us, it strengthens us and makes develops our resilience to the person we need to be to progress.

Join Team Brock Ashby to "step out" and take the first step to seeing the progress you want to see.


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