The biggest secret of the fitness industry... OUT!
Hey guys,
This is a post I sent out a couple of days ago on instagram and a lot of people clicked with it.
I hope you do too 🙏
"Life isn’t what you see when you’re scrolling down your Insta feed…
You’re looking at polarised versions of people.
You’re looking at clickbait.
You’re looking at a photo of someone flexing after doing a few push ups to get the pump (I’ve been there) 🤣
You’re looking at a snapshot of someone’s amazing day.
You’re looking at a 60sec video of a hilarious moment.
So don’t get down if your current life doesn’t look as amazing as someone else’s does because everyone has shit days and days where they aren’t feeling confident in their own skin but most people aren’t going to share that.
The most important thing is…
1. Don’t compare yourself to some fitness model when they literally get paid to be lean year round to promote supps and active wear.
2. You’re doing everything you can to make YOURSELF happy.
3. You understand that being "yourself" on social media doesn’t get many likes, so what you’re looking at is carefully curated, highlight reels.
P.s. If unfollowing those people that make you feel down when you see their pics will make you feel better, I reckon you do it.
I'll never forget how happy a client of mine was when she told me in our PT session that she unfollowed this female fitness model after one of my Insta posts a couple years back and would no longer compare herself to her. It was awesome. Be you. Not a paper mache version of someone else.
Much love, Brock 🙏"
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