A Message That Needs To Be Heard Twice

I spent years.... years and years training wrong. Never mind the food, that was horrendous.

At the age of 14 years old I fell in love with lifting weights and began training everyday to look good for the girls.

That motivated me!

I wanted to be like the fitness cover magazine dudes with shredded 6 packs and lifting heavy AF impressive weights.

Sure, I was training to "help my sports" but really.... I wanted to look good for the girls, it felt good.

My training was all wrong. I didn’t train legs until I turned 18 #teamchickenlegs

I did biceps and triceps pretty much every day #curlsforthegirls and couldn’t follow a program to save my life.

One of the teachers at school would give me programs but it always just ended up with training arms.

I followed the "see food" diet.

I ate everything in my sight. No idea what a carb was or a calorie, for that matter.

I just ate anything I wanted and trained like a beast #surpluslife

Later on in life, I tried intermittent fasting (not for me), keto (definitely not for me), vegetarian (for 1 day), 48 hour fasting, "cheat meal" and "bulking" protocol type of thinking and my nutrition was just a big mess tbh.

Though I started for all the wrong reasons and did everything totally wrong

EVERYTHING that I did contributed to my deep love for coaching, lifting weights and leading a healthy lifestyle with a diligent mindset in the pursuit of fulfilment and happiness that I live today.

Lifting to impress curls ultimately lead me to my life’s work of transforming bodies and changing lives.

NEVER... NEVER stop anyone from trying to make a change to their body/life because you never know what they will evolve into or how their mindset can change.

Much love, B ❤️

Yes, this was an email version of my insta caption today but I'm super passionate about this message but this needs to be heard.

Despite someones goal, let them go for it!

They're moving in the right direction...

WHO ARE YOU to say that someones goal is right or wrong anyway?

Whether your goal is to get a girl, a guy, a 6 pack or a long lasting happy relationship with food.

I don't care (but deeply care at the same time) as long as you're making positive changes in your life.

You're welcome in Team Brock Ashby.


1500 Calories In One Sitting


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