If You Think Monday Sucked, Wait Til Friday!
I had such a big response from Monday's email about "Monday isn't the problem, you are", so I want to hit you again with some wisdom you may have never heard of... again.
“Sometimes the reason you’re tired is not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what brings you joy.” ― Shawne Duperon
It may be because I live in Mosman that everyone moves so slow because of their old age but in general, I think a lot of people lack joy in their life.
I play games with myself when I go for walks and see how many smiles I can get.
I see how many "good mornings" I can get.
Often I wind up with zero.
Absolutely none.
The art of looking up, away from your device, is gone.
Everyone escaping their life to go into a world where their voice can be heard in the comment section is a sad place to live in. Especially when all you have to do is look up, smile at someone and be grateful.
So I have a challenge for you!
Next time you find yourself being tired, ask yourself...
Are you tired because you've done too much or are you tired because you don't have joy?