They Took My Phone Away 🤯

One of the most common questions I am asked is how to speed up your metabolism.

To answer this, let me introduce you the three-toed sloth.

Last night Kiki and I went to a dinner spot in the CBD called Bistecca.

It's a steakhouse here in Sydney.

Absolutely one of the best places I have ever been for dinner.

We got a 750g T-bone steak to share with Bone Marrow, pumpkin and creme fraiche, brussels and sour cream and polenta and cheese.

I think I hit my calorie goals for the week in one day lol.

But the unique thing about this restaurant is that when we sat down to eat, they took our phones off us and put them in a padlocked box.

At first I thought it was dumb because no-one is able to share their experience of the restaurant on instagram and help grow their brand awareness (my marketing brain).

But then I thought about it a bit more...

With no phones on the table, the experience with whoever your going to eat with is so much better.

Conversation uninterrupted.

Jokes flowing.

No-one shutting off to respond to an "urgent" DM.

Our experience was much more intimate, enjoyable and memorable than it would be with phones at the table.

Which will lead to people talking about their experience more and wanting to share that through word of mouth (a much stronger way of referring business than an insta story).

"There is no better or worse, there are only trade-offs."

Last night we traded off having our phones and taking photos/videos to remember forever for a deeper moment of connection and enjoyment.

No way of eating dinner is "better" or "worse", it was just a trade off.

And the sooner you realise this principle, you can understand that that is all that transforming your body is.

A tradeoff.

Trade extra TV for cooking meal prep.

Trade Uber Eats for home cooked meals.

Trade nights out for early workouts.

Trade mindless workouts for structured programs.

None is better or worse but each decision has it's own pro's and con's.


What things are you willing to trade-off to get to your goals?

If you are wanting to trade mindless workouts and extreme effort with no results to show for it for structured workouts with proven results shown 1000x over.

Hit this button below and get started in Team Brock Ashby!


What's It Like Running A Gym, Investing & Dropping Body Fat/Building Muscle


How To Avoid The Slowest Metabolism In The World 🌍